Smart Manufacturing Summit’s Media Round Tables in Tokyo and Nagoya - SMS by GI 2024



Smart Manufacturing Summit’s Media Round Tables in Tokyo and Nagoya 

On 26 and 27 October 2023, two major media roundtables were held in Tokyo and Nagoya respectively to promote the Smart Manufacturing Summit by Global Industrie. This event was a key moment to examine the future landscape of the manufacturing industry, and to show our ambition to the different media regarding the organisation of the Smart Manufacturing Summit. 

In total, about 20 leading media outlets and leading industry experts were brought together. Their in-depth reflections highlighted the challenges and opportunities ahead in the world of manufacturing. We were joined by two renowned speakers who shared their views on the future of the industry. Among them were Keigo HAGA, Operating Officer of Deloitte Tohmatsu, who will be speaking at the Smart Manufacturing Summit, and Kimiko Imai, President of Sineora. On top of that, our team had the opportunity to present the key elements representing the Smart Manufacturing Summit and also to answer questions from the media attending the media round table.